26 January 2010

25 January 2010

Penny you need to drop...NOW.


24 January 2010

This is B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L.

Lovely Jubbly: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrC4aHns6oM

And while we're on the subject... I wouldn't mind living in a Lego house:

Inspire Me. Please?

Little. Yellow. Pencil. Three. Words. I. Love. You.

Christmas Cards...

Sprouts. Rule. (On Christmas Day Only).

new blog. old work. same girl...

Snippet. Self-initiated Brief. Recession. Busting.

Run. Rabbit. Run. Rabbit. Run. Run. Run.

University. Drink. Dance. Row. Flyer. Design.